Friday, July 3, 2009

Week 5, Blog 4, Web lecture

In the web lecture, Democracy and Dialogue, mindful dialogue caught my attention. it goes beyond an individual commitment to dialogue to embrace the notion of "thinking together" in innovative and creative ways. This is key when trying to effectively communicate with others in the workplace. I know at my work and even at home its best to come up with ideas/solutions together rather than just demanding. it really makes a difference if you respectively and maturely come together and bring your ideas to the table.


  1. I agree with you, however, people must also be active listeners in order to hear and work with everyone’s good ideas. Mindful dialogue can also include being conscious about what you say around others, making sure that the conversation stays positive and nondiscriminatory toward the others participating in the conversation. But good dialogue can also really help a company thrive and improve upon its programs and employees happiness. When everyone is able to clearly communication what projects need to be completed, how they are completed, and when they need to be completed can remove any forms of ambiguity which can cause stress and uneasiness in the workplace, leading to poor production.

  2. I agree with you. Good decisions come when people are able to think and mindfully brainstorm with one another. However, I think that it is somewhat rare when this occurrence actually occurs because of lack of interest, motivation, or money. Yet, when it does occur, great outcomes are made and productivity skyrockets.

  3. It's great how the book and the professor illustrate the historical context where these notions play out. The aim of our founding fathers to build a democracy had to involve collaborative mindful dialogue, yet that was probably out of the ordinary at that time. Rules on communicating your ideas were probably reenforced by hierarchical power. Organizational communication was probably just listen to the ruler OR die. I think even though no one goes to my staff meetings, it's important to have some kind of formal forum otherwise we might as well head back pass procedural towards tyranny.
